Alphred provides a simple requests library to aid in making get and post requests. It provides more functionality than file_get_contents( $url ); and is easier to use than PHP’s cURL functionality (because it is a wrapper to simplify that exact functionality). But, if you do need something more advanced, then I recommend using Guzzle, writing your own, or extending the Alphred\Request class.

The component supports basic http authentication but nothing as fancy as oauth.


get( $url, $options = false, $cache_ttl = 600, $cache_bin = true )

post( $url, $options = false, $cache_ttl = 600, $cache_bin = true )

clear_cache( $bin = false )

Options are set as an associative array. Keys can be:

The $cache_bin is a sub-folder in the workflow’s cache directory where the requests are saved. If $cache_bin is set to true, then it will use a folder that is the hostname of the URL. So, a call to will create a folder named where all requests are saved. It’s recommended that you use a cache_bin. $cache_ttl is the cache “time-to-live,” or how long the cache will be valid for, measured in seconds. By default, it’s set to 600 seconds, or ten minutes. If the cache file is older than the $cache_ttl value, then the library will attempt to contact the server; if it fails (computer offline, or whatever else), then it will return old cached data, if available. The cache data is saved raw, and a unique hash is made depending on all the parameters, so different queries are cached differently.

Basic example: ```php // This assumes that $username and $password have already been set

// Github advises us to explicitly add the header below $options[‘headers’] = [ ‘Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json’ ]; // Github also demands that we set a user-agent $options[‘user_agent’] = ‘alfred’; // Github gives us a default of 30 repos in the response, but we can push it to 100. Let’s get 100. $options[‘params’] = [ ‘per_page’ => 100 ]; // Lastly, we’re using basic authorization with Github rather than any Oauth or Access Tokens, so // we’ll go ahead and add in the basic authorization with the username and password below. $options[‘auth’] = [ $username, $password ]; // The request variables have been set, so let’s execute it. If we wanted to adjust the caching options, // then we’d pass another argument. $repos = $Alphred->get( “{$username}/repos”, $options ); // We know that we’re getting JSON data, so we’ll also decode it into an easily accessible array. $repos = json_decode( $repos, true );

Granted, we could have written the same thing as:
$repos = json_decode( $Alphred->request_get( "{$username}/repos", [
    'params' => [ 'per_page' => 100 ],
    'auth' => [ $username, $password ],
    'user_agent' => 'alfred',
    'headers' => [ 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' ]
]), true );

The above example uses the automatic cache bin and the default cache life of ten minutes. Also, since it knows it’s getting json data, it decodes the data.