The filter method allows you to search through results and filter out irrelevant ones. It is fairly powerful and flexible. It is a translation of the filter functionality of Deanishe’s Python library Alfred Workflow, and it works fairly well.


filter( $haystack, $needle, $key = false, $options = [] )


The filter method filters an array ($haystack) by removing results that do not match a query ($needle). If the array is associative and you want to match one particular key, then set the $key.

Passing an empty query ($needle) to this method will simply return the initial array. If you have fold on, then this will fail on characters that cannot be translitered into regular ASCII, so most Asian character sets.

The options to be set are: max_results – the maximum number of results to return (default: false) min_score – the minimum score to return (0-100) (default: false) return_score – whether or not to return the score along with the results (default: false) fold – whether or not to fold diacritical marks, thus making über into uber. (default: true) * match_type – the type of filters to run. (default: MATCH_ALL)

The match_type is defined as constants, and so you can call them by the flags or by the integer value. Options: Match items that start with the query 1: MATCH_STARTSWITH Match items whose capital letters start with query 2: MATCH_CAPITALS Match items with a component “word” that matches query 4: MATCH_ATOM Match items whose initials (based on atoms) start with query 8: MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH Match items whose initials (based on atoms) contain query 16: MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN Combination of MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH and MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN 24: MATCH_INITIALS Match items if query is a substring 32: MATCH_SUBSTRING Match items if all characters in query appear in the item in order 64: MATCH_ALLCHARS Combination of all other MATCH_* constants 127: MATCH_ALL


Assume that you have an array that looks like:

$array[] = [ 'title' => 'The ABCs of Gardening', 'author' => 'Amanda Hugenkiss' ];

and that there are multiple values in $array. You will need to specify a key to filter on, either title or author. An array that would look like:

$array[] = 'The ABCs of Gardening';

would keep false as the key.

So, the easiest way to use the filter mechanism is:

$workflow = new Alphred;
// we assume an array that looks like the one with 'title' and 'author' mentioned above and that $query has
// already been set
$results = $workflow->filter( $array, $query, 'title' );